Wednesday, 25 February 2015 16:29

Exchange list

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This is full list of mine items available for trade. Except graphic card's i don't test functionality, so i can't guarantie that they working. But most old cpu's are taken from working old computers. Never cpus are all dead (mostly burned), if i know status of cpu - then its stated.

I'm interested in any missing card on mine full cards list (you can use also collection's search to see cards i have). I prefer working ones over damaged cards and integrated chips. If you have card, that is not stated on list as working, id like to have it too. I'll trade also cards that i already have in working state, but only if they're special - by special i mean any card with rare chips, buses, prototypes, additional chips and modules, profesional versions and multimonitor multichip solutions. But if you have to buy anywhere any card for trade with me, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 1st. Because mostly at any time i have about 50 cards, that are not listed on this page, waiting for testing... So you can be dissapointed by mine answer then and end with useless card. Btw i live in Czech Republic, so trading almost worthless common cards like ISA Tridents, Cirrus, PCI S3 over half world won't be good idea, because of postage costs. And of course any cards as gifts are welcome (will post your nick at card and can post there also link to your pages if you want).



N80L286-16/S - 3x
386/DX-40 - 3x
486DX4-100 - 2x
586-P75, X5-133ADW
586-P90, SSA/5-90ABQ
Duron 650
Duron 700 - working, AKCA
2xDuron 750 (AKCA)
3xDuron 800 (AMCA)
Duron 950
Athlon 950 AQGA - ok
2xDuron 1000 (AHHAA, AHLCA)
Athlon 1000 ASHHA
Duron 1200
Duron 1300
Duron 1400 MIXHB
Duron 1600 MIXIB - ok
Duron 1800 MCXJB
Athlon XP1600+ Palomino - nontested
2xAthlon XP1700+ Thoroughbred, DUT3C - green - ko, JIUHB - nontested
4xAthlon XP1800+ Thoroughbred, DUT3C, 2xJIUHB, JIUCB
Athlon XP1800+ AGOIA
3xAthlon XP2000+ Palomino, DMT3C - burned L2 cache, working with L2 disabled, 2xok
Athlon XP2000+ - Thoroughbred, DUT3C - state unknown maybe working
2xAthlon XP2200+ - VPMW - ko, DUV3C - probably working
Athlon XP2400+ AIXHB
Athlon XP2400+ AIX1B
Athlon XP2400+ DKV3C - probably working
Sempron 2200+ s462 - DUT3D - ok
Sempron 2400+ s4762 BCXJB
Sempron 2500+ s462 BIXJB
2xAthlon XP2600+ s462 AQYHA, ADYHA
Sempron 2500+ s754 LBBWE
Sempron 2600+ s754 LBBWE
2xSempron 2800+ s754 - LBBID
Sempron 3000+ s754 CBBHD - ok
Sempron 3100+ s754 SDA3100AIO3BA - ok
Athlon 64 3000+ s754 LBAZC
Turion ML-37 s754 TMDML37BKX5LD 2GHz - probably ok
Mobile Sempron 3100+ s754 SMS3100BQX3LF
2xAthlon 3000+ s939 LBBWE, CBBID - probably ok
Athlon 3500+ s939 ADA3500DAA4BW
Athlon 3700+ s939 KAB2E
Athlon 64 X2 QL-60 1.9GHz AMQL60DAM22GG soc S1G2
Sempron 3400+ 1.8GHz NBBVF AM2 - ok
Sempron 64 LE-1200 2.1GHz SDH1200IAA4DE AM2 - probably ok
Sempron 64 LE-1250 2.2GHz SDH1250IAA4DW AM2 - ok
2xAthlon 64 2650e 1.6GHz NAAFG AM2 - ok
Athlon 64 X2 4200+ 2,2GHz LEDBF AM2 - probably ok
Athlon 64 X2 4450e 2,3GHz NAAFG AM2 - probably ok
Athlon 64 X2 5000+ 2,6GHz NAAFG AM2 - ok
Athlon 64 X2 5600+ NAA9G AM2 - dead, detached heatspreader (but its included)
A12-9800 AM4

486SX25 SX683 mobile
486DX2 66 - 2x
Pentium 75 - 2x
Pentium 100 - 3x
2xPentium 133
Pentium 166 - 2x
Pentium 166MMX ceramic
Pentium 166MMX - 2x
Pentium Pro 200MHz SL22V 256Kb - some pins bend, few seems to be burned
Pentium 200MMX - 2x
Celeron 266 - slot1 - 2x
Pentium II 233/512 - slot1 - 2x
Pentium II 266/512 - slot1 - 3x
Pentium II 300/512 - slot1
Pentium II 350/512 - slot1
Pentium II 400/512/100 - slot1
Pentium III 450/512/100, slot1 - 2x
Celeron 366 PPGA - 3x
Celeron 433 PPGA - 3x
Celeron 466 PPGA
Celeron 500 PPGA SL3FY
Celeron 533 PPGA
Celeron 600 FCPGA SL46U
Celeron 633/128/66 FCPGA - ok
Celeron 800/128/100 FCPGA - ok
Celeron Mobile 850/128 SL585
Celeron 900/128/100 FCPGA SL5LX
2xCeleron 1GHz/256/100 SL5ZF Tualatin
Celeron 1.2GHz/256/100 SL656 Tualatin
Pentium III 500/512/100 2V - Slot
Pentium III 550E/256/100 1.65V - Slot
2xPentium III 733/256/133 FCPGA - ok
Pentium III 800/256/133 FCPGA SL4MB
Celeron M 350 1,3GHz/1M/400 SL7RA, mobile
Pentium 4 1,4/256/400 s423 - probably working
Pentium 4 1,4Ghz/256/400 SL59U
Pentium M 1,4GHz/1M SL6F5 integrated - no pins
2xPentium 4 1,5GHz/256/400, s478 SL5TJ - ok, SL59V - ok
Celeron M520 1,6GHz/1M/533 SL9WT s478 mobile
Pentium M 725 1,6GHz/2M SL7EG mobile
Atom 230 1,6GHz/512/533 SLB6Z BGA
3xCeleron 1,7GHz/128/400, s478, one burned, 2 working - SL68C
Celeron 1,7GHz/128/400, s478, SL69Z
Celeron M 530 1,73GHz/1M/533 SLA2G
Pentium M 735 1,7GHz/400 SL7EP
Celeron 1,8GHz/128/400, s478, SL6A2 nontested
2xPentium 4 1,7GHz/256/400, s478, SL6BD - ok, SL5TK
Pentium 4 1,8GHz/256/400, s478, SL5VJ
Celeron 2GHz/128/400, s478 SL6RV
Pentium 4 2GHz/512/400, s478 SL66R
Celeron D 2.26GHz/256/533 s478 SL87K
Celeron 2,4GHz/256/533, s478, SL7JV - ok
2xCeleron D 320 2,4GHz/256/533 s478, SL7C4, SL87J ok
Pentium 4 2,4GHz/512/533, s478, SL6RZ - ok
Pentium 4 2,4GHz/1M/533, s478, SL7E8 - ok
Pentium 4 2,4GHz/512/800, s478, SL6WF - ok
Pentium 4 2,6GHz/512/800, s478, SL6WH - ok
Celeron Mobile 2,4GHz/400/256 PPGA478
Celeron D 326 2.53GHz/256/533 SL7TU LGA775
2xCeleron D 330 2,66GHz/256/533, s478, SL7NV - ok
3xCeleron 420 1,6GHz/512/800 LGA775 SL9XP
2xCeleron 430 1,8/512/800 LGA775 SL9XN
Celeron 2,8GHz/128/400 s478 SL77T
Celeron D 2,8GHz/256/533 s478 - ok
Celeron D 341 2.93GHz/256/533 SL98X LGA775
Celeron D 336 2.8GHz/256/533 SL98W LGA775 - ok
2xCeleron D 346 3.06GHz/256/533 SL8HD, SL3HD, LGA775 - ok
Pentium 4 521 LGA775 - ok
Pentium 4 2,8GHz/1M/800 SL7PR, LGA775 - ok
Pentium 4 524 3,06GHz/1M/533 SL9CA LGA775 - ok
Pentium 4 630 3GHz/2M/800 SL8Q7
Pentium D 830 3GHz/2M/800 SL885 LGA775
Core 2 Duo T7100 1,8GHz/2M/800 SLA4A PPGA478 mobile
Core 2 Duo 8700 2,53GHz/3M/1066 SLGFE PGA478 mobile
Celeron 440 2GHz/512/800 SL9XL LGA775
Pentium E2180 2GHz/1M/800 SLA8Y LGA775 - probably ok
Pentium E5500 2,8GHz/2M/800 SLGTJ LGA775 - probably ok
Pentium E5700 3GHz/2M/800 SLGTH LGA775 - ok
2xCore 2 Duo E6550 2.33GHz/4M/1333 SLA9X LGA775
Core 2 Duo E6750 2.66GHz/4M/1333 SLA9V LGA775 - burned some pins - bad contact with mb, could be ko
Xeon 5140 2,33GHz/4M/1333 SL9RW LGA771 - ok
Xeon X3220 2,4HGz/8M/1066 SLACT LGA775 - probably ok
Core i7-920 2,66GHz/8M SLBCH LGA1366 - dead some memory channels, working only with limited number of memory modules
Core i5-3230M 2,6GHz G2 mobile cpu SR0WY
Core i5-3470 3,2GHz SRT08 LGA1155
Xeon E3-1270 3,4GHz SR00N LGA1155 - ok
Celeron G1840 2,8GHz SR1VK LGA1150

Texas Instruments 486DLC
IBM 6x86MX PR266
HP PA-8600 (PCX-W+) + ram+cooler+socket terminator
Sony Cell/B.E. CXD298IAGB from 1st gen Playstation 3

Graphic Cards

3Dfx Voodoo 1 4MB PCI - ColorMAX VP-503 - ok
3Dfx Voodoo Rush 6MB PCI - Biostar Venus 3D - ok
3Dfx Voodoo 3 2000 16MB AGP2x - STB - ok

3Dlabs Permedia 1 ?MB PCI Expertcolor - ko - someone exchanged BIOS chip and replaced it with S3 bios file, don't have proper bios and memory chip
3DLabs Oxygen GVX1 32MB SGR AGP2x - visual shadow strips in image, but card is stable

Acumos AVGA1 256kB ISA16bit - ok

Ahead V5000 ?kB ISA - ko - no image

Alliance aT3D 4MB PCI - ko - no image (Supergrace)

4xARK Logic ARK2000PV 1MB PCI - ok, one Diamond Stealth 64 2001

Ati Mach64VT (215VT22200) 1MB PCI - ok
Ati Mach64VT2 (215VT2NA42) 2MB PCI - ok
Ati 3D Rage II 2MB PCI - ok
Ati 3D Rage PRO PCI 4MB SGR PCI - ok
2xAti 3D Rage IIC AGP - 4MB SGR 66MHz - ok, 4MB SDR 75/100MHz - ok
Ati Rage Pro Turbo AGP 4MB SGR, 49,882MHz Compaq ok, but without backplate
Ati Rage Pro Turbo AGP 8MB SDR, 75/100MHz - ok
Ati Rage 128VR 8MB SDR AGP2x, 80/63MHz - ok, but without backplate
Ati Rage 128 Pro GL 32MB SDR 64bit AGP 4x 119/119MHz - ok
Ati Rage 128 Pro 32MB SDR 128bit AGP 4x 120/120MHz - ok foto1, foto2
Ati Rage 128 Pro GL 32MB SDR 128bit AGP 4x 120/120MHz with Svideo+Cinch TV out - ok
Ati Rage 128 Pro GL 32MB SDR AGP 4x, 125/125MHz A5PT ver1.0 - ok, but little picture shaking
Ati Rage 128 Pro 32MB SDR AGP 4x 119/119MHz ATI OEM Xpert2000Pro - ok
Ati Rage XL 8MB SDR AGP2x L version (detected as Xpert 98 RXL AGP 2x) - ok
Ati Rage 128 Pro Ultra GL 16MB SDR 64bit AGP 4x - ok
Ati Rage 128 Pro Ultra 32MB SDR AGP 4x 130/130MHz Sapphire - ok
Ati All-In-Wonder 128 Pro 32MB SDR AGP 4x 118/140MHz with VIVO cables - ok
Ati Radeon 7000 32MB SDR 64bit AGP 4x 155/155MHz Fujitsu - ok
Ati Radeon 7000 32MB DDR 32bit AGP 4x 144/288MHz Connect3D - ok
Ati Radeon 7000 64MB DDR 64bit AGP 4x 133/266MHz Sapphire - ok
Ati Radeon 9200SE 64MB DDR 64bit AGP 200/400MHz Gigabyte GV-R92S64T - ok
Ati Radeon 9200 128MB DDR 64bit AGP 250/330MHz Gigabyte GV-R92128TE - ok
Ati Radeon 9200 64MB DDR 128bit AGP 250/400MHz Sapphire V/D/VO - ok
Ati Radeon 9250 64MB DDR 64bit AGP 239/330MHz HIS - ok
2xAti Radeon 9250 128MB DDR 64bit AGP 8x 239/400MHz Gigabyte GV-R925128T - ok, Asus A9250/TD/128M/A - ok
2xAti Radeon 9250 128MB DDR 128bit AGP 8x 239/400MHz Gigabyte GV-R925128D - ok, Club3D CGA-9258TVD- ok
Ati Radeon 9550 128MB DDR 128bit AGP 8x 250/358MHz Palit AA-95500-TD11-AGP11C - ok
Ati Radeon 9600 128MB DDR 128bit AGP 8x 324/392MHz Sapphire - ok
Ati Radeon 9600 Pro 128MB DDR 128bit AGP 8x 398/404MHz Gigabyte GV-R96P128DE - ok
Ati Radeon 9600 Pro Advantage 256MB DDR AGP 8x 398/446MHz Sapphire
Ati Radeon 9600 XT 256MB DDR 128bit AGP 8x 405/460MHz Jetway - ok
Ati Radeon X700 128MB DDR 128bit PCI-E 398/500MHz Sapphire V/D/VO - ok
Ati Radeon X1300LE 64MB DDR 64bit PCI-E Acer - ok
Ati Radeon X1300Pro 256MB DDR2 PCI-E Dell - ok

Cirrus Logic CL-GD5428 1MB VLB - Machspeed VGA GUI 2100 - ok
Cirrus Logic CL-GD5446 2MB PCI - ok
Cornerstone ImageAccel 2 - KO, damaged one pin at Ramdac

Chips&Technologies P82C435 256kB EGA ISA8bit - probably damaged - image is quadrupled
Chips&Technologies F82C451C 256kB ISA Jovian Logic - missing some graphical resolutions - probably text optimized bios

IBM EGA - 64kB ISA 8bit - minor graphic bugs - probably damaged one memory module

3xMatrox Millennium - IS-STORM R2, 50,113Mhz, 2MB, PCI Compaq - ok, Matrox 2MB - ok, Matrox 4MB - ok
Matrox Millennium - 2064W-R3, 50,113Mhz, 2MB, PCI - ok
Matrox Milennium 2 4MB WRAM AGP1x, 66MHz - ok
Matrox Milennium 2 8MB WRAM PCI, 62MHz - ok
Matrox G200A - 8MB SDR AGP2x OEM - ok, but without backplate
Matrox G200A - 8MB SDR AGP2x with memory upgrade slot - ok
Matrox G450LX 32MB DDR 124/249MHz Dualhead (MDHA32DLXB) - ok
Matrox G450 32MB DDR 108/324MHz Dualhead (G45FMDHA32DB) - ok
Matrox Millennium P650 64MB DDR 230/460MHz (P65-MDDA8X64) - ok

Nec SV9000 512kB ISA - ok (renamed Trident 9000)

nVidia Riva 128 4MB AGP - STB Velocity 128 - ok
2xnVidia Riva TNT 16MB AGP2x 90/110MHz - Creative CT6710 - ok, Diamond Viper V550 rev.A - ok
nVidia Riva Vanta LT 8MB AGP2x 80/100MHz - Compaq - ok
2xnVidia Riva TNT2 Pro 32MB HIS AGP4x - ok, Manli 32MB 143/150MHz AGP - ok
nVidia Riva TNT2 M64 16MB AGP 125/143MHz Leadtek lowprofile - ok
8xnVidia Riva TNT2 M64 32MB AGP - 120/125Mhz - CM64A, 125/125MHz - Creative CT6980  - light image shaking / Sparkle SP5300 / Inno3D Tornado, 135/135MHz - Manli, 125/143MHz - Pine PV-T02A-BR, 125/150MHz - MSI MS-8808 - ko cooler, 125/143MHz 32MB Asus AGP-V3800M/32M - ok 
nVidia GeForce2 MX200 32MB 175/140Mhz GX-G2MX - dead cooler
nVidia GeForce2 MX400 32MB SDR 64bit Sparkle 200/334MHz SP6800M4 - ok
nVidia GeForce2 MX400 32MB Hercules 200/200MHz - dead cooler
3xnVidia GeForce2 MX400 64MB Abit Siluro blue PCB 200/167MHz - ok, InsideTNC 64MB 200/166Mhz - ok - noisy cooler, unknown 200/166MHz - ok
nVidia GeForce2 Pro 32MB Asus V7700PRO/32M 200/400MHz - ok
nVidia GeForce2 Ti VX 64MB Inno3D 225/400MHz - ok
nVidia GeForce3 Ti 200 Inno3D 64MB - ok (dead cooler)
2xnVidia GeForce4 MX440SE 64MB 250/333Mhz 64bit Pine PV-T17L-QTFB - ok, unknown 64MB 250/333MHz 64bit - noisy cooler
nVidia GeForce4 MX440 64MB 270/405MHz 64bit AGP 4x - ok
3xnVidia GeForce4 MX440-8x 64MB 64bit AGP8x Sparkle - ok, unknown 250/378MHz 64bit - ok , Jetway NV18AT064BY 275/266MHz - dead cooler
2xnVidia GeForce4 MX440-8X 64MB 128bit AGP8x - ok, Prolink 250/331MHz - ok
2xnVidia GeForce FX5200 - 128MB64bit 225/331MHz AGP8x passive cooling - ok, Gainward 250/280Mhz 128MB 64bit - ok
nVidia GeForce FX5200 - 128MB 128bit 250/405MHz AGP 8x Asus V9520/TD/P/128M - ok, original fan removed and replaced by intel cpu fan (homemade mod).
nVidia GeForce FX5500 Galaxy 128MB 128bit 250/300MHz AGP 8x, cooler dead - back side
nVidia GeForce 6600 Club3D CGNX-668TVD-1 128MB 64bit 300/500MHz PCI-E x16
nVidia GeForce 7300GT 256MB DDR2 128bit 351/702MHz Gainward PM8086 - ok
nVidia GeForce 8600GT 256MB GDDR3 128bit 540/1404/1188MHz Zotac - replaced some capacitors - ok. Back side, GPUZ.
nVidia GeForce 8600GT 512MB DDR2 128bit 540/800MHz MSI MS-V088 - ok
nVidia Quadro FX1500 256MB DDR2 HP - top right corner of pcb slightly damaged, but card is ok
2xnVidia Quadro FX1700 512MB DDR2 HP - ok
nVidia GeForce 9600GT 512MB GDDR3 256bit 650/1800/1625MHz Gigabyte GV-N96TGR-512I - ok
GeForce GT730 2GB DDR3 64bit 902/1800MHz PCI-E x8 2.0 Lenovo BD3E56 oem - ok

Oak OTI077 512kB ISA - ok

Realtek RTG3102 256kB ISA EGA/VGA - ok

Rendition Verite 2200 55/111MHz 8MB AGP Manli - ok

S3 86C805-P 1MB VLB - Miro Crystal 10SD - ok
S3 Vision 968 2MB PCI No9 Motion FX771 - ok
S3 Trio32 (86C732-P) 1MB PCI - OEM - ok
S3 Trio64 (86C764X) 2MB PCI - OEM - ok
2xS3 Trio64UV+ (86C767) 1MB PCI - OEM, Flagpoint - ok
3xS3 Trio64V2/DX (86C775) 1MB PCI - SST-2065/75, Elsa Winner 1000/T2D - ok, Asus V775V2C 2MB 60MHz - ok
2xS3 Virge (86C325) 2MB PCI - Expertcolor, OEM - ok
2xS3 Virge/DX (86C375) 2MB 55MHz PCI - 2xEagles - ok
3xS3 Virge/DX (86C375) 4MB PCI - Eagles, Surf, SP-325A - ok
2xS3 Virge/GX2 (86C357 4MB AGP1x - ok
S3 Trio3D (86C365) 4MB SGR, AGP, 100,226MHz, ST300A - ok, but without backplate
S3 Trio3D/2X (86C368) 8MB SDR 100MHz - ok
S3 Savage3D (86C390) 8MB SGR 90MHz Eagles - ok
S3 Savage3D (86C391) 8MB SDR 100MHz - ok
3xS3 Savage4 Pro 8MB SDR 125MHz - Diamond Stealth III S520 rev.A 2x110MHz, 1x100MHz - ok
S3 Savage4 Pro 32MB SDR 110/115MHz - Creative CT6900 - ok
S3 Savage 2000 core 125,28MHz, memory 133,63MHz - ok - front, back

Sigma Designs Realmagic 64/GX 1MB, PCI - ok
SiS 6215 1MB PCI - ok - photo
SiS 305 32MB AGP 4x 125/125MHz - VGA305EF - some replaced parts, bit rusty VGA output, but ok 

STMicro Kyro II 32MB AGP 2x 175/175MHz - Hercules 3D Prophet 4500 - ok (replaced original cooler, bended passive part, dying cooler)

Tamarack TD3088A2 64kB ISA 8bit hercules - ok

Trident TVGA 8800CS 256kB ISA EGA/VGA - ok
Trident TVGA 8800CS 512kB ISA EGA/VGA - ok
2xTrident TVGA 8900C 512kB ISA - ok, one with Toshiba marking
Trident TVGA 8900CL ?kB ISA - ko - broken image
Trident TVGA 9000C 512kb ISA - ok
Trident TVGA 9000i 512kb ISA - ok
Trident TVGA9000i-1 512kB ISA - ok, missing backplate
3xTrident TGUI9680-1 1MB PC - ok, Union - ok
Trident Blade 3D 8MB AGP2x - ok, probably HIS

2xUMC 85C408AF 512kb ISA - ok

PC Chips G3101 256kB ISA 8bit EGA - Auto mode HEGA - ok
WDC WD90C11-LR 256kB ISA - ko - no image
2xWDC WD90C30-LR 512kB ISA - ok

Winbond W86855AF 64kb ISA 8bit - Hercules with Bios chip, bit rusty but ok

Sound Cards

Creative Soundblaster 16 CT2230 ISA
Creative Soundblaster Vibra 16S CT2800 ISA
Creative Soundblaster 16 CT2910 ISA
Creative Soundblaster 16 CT2911 ISA
Creative Soundblaster 16 PnP CT2980 ISA
Creative Soundblaster 32 PnP CT3600 ISA
Creative Soundblaster 32 PnP CT3620 ISA
Creative Soundblaster 32 PnP CT3670 ISA
Creative Soundblaster AWE32 CT3910 ISA
Creative Soundblaster CT4170 ISA
Creative Soundblaster Vibra 16C CT4180 ISA
Creative Soundblaster AWE32 Value CT4330 ISA
Soundblaster SF16-FMI-03 ISA (Vibra 16C)
Soundblaster SF16-FM1 ISA (Vibra 16C)
Soundblaster Vibra 16S
Soundblaster PCI 128 CT4750 PCI
Audigy 2 SB0240 PCI (with gameport+firewire)
Soundblaster X-FI Xtreme Audio PCI SB0790
Terratec Promedia - AD1816AJS ISA

Chips only - not working

3Dfx Voodoo 1 SST1 - cores, ramdac, memory
ARK Logic ARK1000VL - bios, 2x memory
2xATI Mach 64VT2 - bios+2x memory, core+memory
ATI Mach 64GX - core, bios, 2x memory
2xCirrus Logic CL-GD6410 - core+3x memory, core+2xmemory
Chips F65530 - core, 4x memory
Intel HM55 Express chipset SLGZS
Matrox Millennium 2 - 2164WP-C - core, bios, 2x memory
Matrox Millennium - 2064W-R2 - core, bios, 2x memory
Neomagic MagicGraph 128XD - core
nVidia Riva TNT2 M64 - core, bios, 2x memory
nVidia GeForce 2MX 400 - core, 2x memory
nVidia GeForce FX5200 - 2x core, 2xmemory
S3 Savage 3D 86C390 - core, 2x memory
SiS 6326AGP - bios, 2x memory
STMicro Kyro II - core, bios, 4x memory
Trident TVGA9000 i - 3, 1994 - core, bios, 2x memory
Trident TVGA9000 i - 2, 1994 - bios, 2x memory
Trident Cyber 9320 - 216T, 1994 - core, 2x memory
Tseng Labs ET4000/W32 - core, ramdac, 2x memory
Tseng Labs ET4000/W32i - core, ramdac, 2x memory

Misc items

Asus P4P800-E (motherboard s478) + P4 2,4Ghz, cooler, 2x256MB DDR
MSI K9N Platinum MS-7250 (motherboard AM2) - replaced some capacitors, boots, but nontested with windows
Gigabyte GA-M55S-S3 + Athlon X2 4800+ ADO4800IAA5DD, 4x1GB DDR2 - missing cooler frame, blown most capacitors near cpu socket, motherboard works in windows despite that.
LSI Logic IDE raid controler PCI - 4xIDE channel = max 8HDD supported, series 511 rev c2
Eizo 4051WL-ED - MDA monitor

List of most wanted cards i'm missing in mine collection

3Dfx Velocity 200/Voodoo 3 1000, Voodoo 4, any profi version from Quantum3D
3Dlabs GLINT (Creative 3D Blaster VLB), any card with GLINT300SX, all profi cards with various GLINT chips i don't own.
Chromatic Mpact!
bus variant
Intel - Real3D Starfighter PCI, i752, i754
Number Nine - Imagine 128 II, Revolution 3D WRAM version
PowerVR Midas 3, PCX1, VideoLogic Neon 250
Rendition Verite 1000
S3 Chrome - any model (except Deltachrome S8), Savage XP
SiS - 300, Xabre 80, 600 
Trident 3DImage 9850, Blade T16, T64, Blade XP - any model
XGI - any Volari except V8, Z7
Various profi 3D cards from Intergraph, Evans&Sutherland, 3Dlabs, Accel, Dynamic Pictures, IBM GXT series, HP Visualize, Nec TExx series, Sun and SGI cards.
Any mobile chip on standard PC card bus (Rage/Radeon Mobility / Mobile GeForce / S3.... on PCI, AGP, PCI-Ex16 card).

Read 98482 times Last modified on Sunday, 26 January 2025 11:19


# RE: Exchange listaaronkatrini 2020-03-25 21:34
I have a 3dfx Voodoo 3 1000 and a Intergraph card along with its daughter board from your list, also other cards that are missing on this site.
If you want to trade let me know :)
# List of my card for sellingPietro 2017-09-14 12:46
Hi, if you are interested, i have a s3 chrome s25, volari v3 an sis xabre 200 (this 2 last new). Regards, Pietro.
# RE: List of my card for sellingVlask 2017-09-14 13:27
Yes, i'm interested in s3 chrome s25 and volari v3. Xabre 200 is in my collection, but maybe Palcal will be interested. All depends on your price (or if you want something trade? - Palcal has big amount of stuff for trade, but no time to do list) and postage costs....

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